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Notation Games

Find the Note

To play this game you'll need a blank staff and some pennies or dimes. Two player game: Cut out 14 small pieces of paper and write a letter of the musical alphabet on each.(A-G) You should have 2 cards for each letter. Shuffle the cards. Each player chooses a card and places a coin on the correct line or space on the staff. The first player to correctly place all 7 letters wins! Tip: Use your note finder to help you check your answers. Use a deck of playing cards and assign each number a letter. 

Spelling Bee

You'll need a blank staff and some pennies or dimes for this game. Using only the seven letters in the musical alphabet, spell as many words as you can on your musical staff. Record your answers on a sheet of paper. 

Two player version: Race the other player to come up with as many words as possible on your musical staff in 3 minutes!

You'll need a blank staff, pennies or dimes and a notefinder for this game.Two or more players: One player challenges another by placing a coin on a line or a space on the staff. The challenged player must say the letter name within 1 minute. If they answer correctly they take the coin as a point. Play continues until all the coins are gone. The winner is the player with the most coins. 

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A note to parents:

Students will not gain the knowledge to do all of these activities immediately. Try a game, if it's too hard or I haven't covered the concept in class you may need to wait.

I expect most students will be able to complete these games by December. 

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