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Frequently Asked Questions

Will there be performances?

There are two scheduled performances each year for both the fourth and the fifth grades. The first performance will be held in mid-February during the school day. There will be two or three performances divided by grade at each school. Dates and times will be announced in January and will be posted on the website as well as sent home in a notice. The end of year performance, which is open to all students will be held on May 22nd and 23rd, 2017 at IBL between 6pm-8pm. Letters will be sent out one month in advance and RSVP is required to participate. I know these performances will be as successful as last year! 

What is my child learning in music class?

This year we will be learning to sing in an ensemble, play the recorder, play the ukelele and play percussion instruments. Your child will learn how to read and perform rhythms and musical notation through interactive lessons and instrument practice. We will also be covering a variety of musical genres, instruments and some historic events connected to music. 

What is my favorite song?

Each week one student from each class is chosen to bring in her/his favorite song to share with his/her classmates. There are no limitations(aside from appropriate language and content) on the type of song. Please have your child fill out this form and bring it to class with them when they present. 

Do I need to buy a recorder or ukulele?

The school district will provide a recorder for your child if you do not have one. However, you are more than welcome to buy a recorder for your child to use in music class and at home. They can be purchased for between $3 and $8 dollars. Please make sure that you purchase a soprano(they make alto, bass and sopranino recorders as well). Any music store will have them, including Manor Music in Pacifica.


It is not necessary to buy a ukulele for your child. The district is generously providing ukuleles  for the students to play in class. Ukuleles are a bit more expensive, but if you would like to invest you can get a good quality ukulele for $40-$50 dollars. I recommend the Makala brand if you're having trouble choosing. They come in a bunch of fun colors too.(Again,order the soprano). 

What are school points? Where can I find the school points form?

Each school is collecting points towards winning a music party at the end of the year. Points are received for enthusiastic participation in class and for any activities done at home. Your child should fill out the school points form and then have it signed by a parent or guardian. 

Where can I find the music my child is singing?

Please click on the library button to find all the songs we will be singing this month. Just click the play button to listen!

Are there any other resources I can use at home with my child?

In the library you will find downloadable pdfs of the sheet music for the songs we are singing in chorus, playing on the ukelele or the recorder. You will also find resources in the @home page including extra activities to do with your child at home. For example, you will find pdfs of a musical staff, rhythm pages and more. Lastly, you will find links to information or videos about composers or genres we have learned about in class.If your child completes any @home practice please remember to sign a school points form. This can be found on the @home page. This enables them to recieve points for their class and allows me to give them credit for their hard work. 

What can I do with my child at home to practice?

The first thing that is extremely helpful is to listen to the songs that we are singing this month. This really helps your child internalize the melody, harmonies and helps them with pitch matching. Encourage your child to sing along with the music and have your child teach you the choreography for the song. If you have a recorder or ukulele at home it's very helpful for your child to take 5 minutes one or two times a week to practice the pieces we're working on. This will help your child feel successful! I will add helpful tips for playing the ukelele and recorder on the @home page as we progress. Download the musical staff and play some of the suggested games in the @home page. Clap and count some of the rhythms from the @home page or have your child write their own! Again, don't forget to sign a school points form so I can give your child points for practicing!

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